Just 5 minutes of this daily exercise system, developed by the famous biologist and athlete J. P. Muller, will help you keep your body in perfect shape. Plus, you can do this anywhere: at home, at the office, at the beach, etc.
Today we invite you to test the incredible system for yourself. Don’t forget to tell us the results!
Lateral Swings Of The Torso

Bring your feet together, clench your fists, and move your torso from side to side. Each time your body moves to the right, bend your left hand at the elbow and raise it.
Now repeat all this with your arms extended to your sides; then repeat with arms extended upward, fingers interlocked.
Repeat all the exercises again, standing with your feet shoulder-width apart.
Fast Leg Movements

Quickly raise and lower the right leg and then the left. Continue the exercise, bending your legs and bringing your knees as high and close to your chest as possible, without leaning forward. The toes should be kept down.
Kick the lower part of your right leg back. Switch legs. Repeat. Each time, try hitting your butt with your heels. The upper part of the legs must remain fixed and vertical.
On the inhale, do some very quick and strong kicks with one leg. Then, as you exhale, do the same with the other leg. These movements should be similar to hitting a soccer ball with the tip of your foot.
Slow Deep Squats

Stand with your legs apart and your arms lowered. Slowly raise your arms forward until they reach shoulder height and squat over your hips. During this exercise, the heels should remain on the ground.
As in the previous exercise, do a deep, uninterrupted squat. But this time keep your heels together and lift them off the floor.
As before, do an uninterrupted deep squat, but with only one leg. Continue alternating legs, with your feet closed and almost parallel.
Preview photo credit merrgetsactive
Based on materials from “My System.The Daily Five Minutes,” by J. P. Muller